Galeria de Fãs: Theresa May

Theresa May

Theresa May

Doctor Who, Agatha Christie, Natal e… a Primeira Ministra inglesa! Acompanhando sempre de perto o cotidiano de Theresa May, o site da BBC traz esse “mix” no final de 2016:

While being a fan of “Scandi dramas” like Borgen, Theresa May told the Radio Times she’d tune in to Doctor Who and “a nice Agatha Christie”.

Earlier in the day, she’ll have a drink with friends before helping churches in her Berkshire constituency who provide lunch for elderly people.

The PM also said she enjoys Strictly Come Dancing, but wouldn’t take part.

“I always like to see Doctor Who on Christmas night, if possible, and a nice Agatha Christie to curl up with. David Suchet was a great Poirot – he got him to a T,” she said in the Christmas issue of the magazine.

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